Monday, November 24, 2008

Family Pictures

Our neighbor took these on Sunday for my mom's Christmas card. I'm thinking I might have to use one for mine too.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Gaitley is 3 months old

Gaitley is now 3 months old. It's hard to believe how quickly time flies. She is doing all sorts of fun things these days. She laughs and smiles all the time and has started trying to hold her head up while she's in her carseat. She has rolled from tummy to back once, but it might have been an accident. She has also found her thumb and loves it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Goodbye Paci

Little did Garrett know but this would be the last night with his beloved pacifer. I cut the tip off the next day and he hasn't had it since. Not to say that he hasn't wanted it. He tells us he needs it at bedtime, but once he falls asleep he's fine. We have been needing to get rid of that thing for quite some time, but I was just too scared to do it. Kids are always much better with things than we think they're going to be.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Gaitley just lights up when Britt starts talking to her. She already has her daddy wrapped around her little finger.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Britt heard of a great place to take pictures in Richardson, so we went to check it out. If you are thinking about Christmas card pictures and want someone to take yours please let us know. It is really pretty! Poor Gaitley. She's not in any of these pictures either. She did come, but never woke up to get her picture taken.


We had a great time on Halloween. We started off the night at a Fall Carnival at one of the neighbor's houses and then we went trick-or-treating. Garrett got a little tired from all the walking, but having candy as an incentive helped him make it to the next house. Britt and I decided it would be fun to dress up too. I wore his old football jersey and he wore his ref outfit from his reffing days. Gaitley did go too, but we never managed to get a picture of her. She was passed around from neighbor to neighbor, so we barely saw her the whole night.