Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Busy June

We have had such a wonderful start to the summer.  It has been packed full of activities.  I am a little behind on my blog, so I am just going to post some pictures of the highlights of this month.

 Gracyn started walking on her birthday, June 1st!

 I enrolled Gaitley in dance class and she absolutely loves it.

 Gaitley also took swimming lessons.  She was a little scared at first but now loves the water and is very proud that she can stick her face in and blow bubbles.

 We went to the the lake with some good friends a few weeks ago.  My kids turned into little lake rats.  Garrett keeps begging for a lake house and all of Gaitley's Barbie dolls have been taking trips to the lake.  I hope we can go back soon.

 We had a Big Apple Adventure at Vacation Bible School.

 Can you find Garrett in this picture?  This was the most amazing swing.  The boy has no fear.

 Taylor Family Reunion

 Gaitley with my sweet grandad

 Happy Father's Day!!!

 Gracyn's first make-over.  Gaitley finally found someone who will let her cover their face in make-up.

 Garrett lost his first two teeth!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gracyn's First Birthday Party

Happy 1st birthday to my sweet baby girl!  I can't believe this year has flown by so quickly.  We celebrated Gracyn's and Ellie's first birthdays together and I hope we can continue to do this for many years to come.  The theme was lady bugs and everything was pink and green.  The party was at Camille's house and she did such an amazing job decorating.  It looked like something out of a magazine. The girls loved opening their presents but weren't too sure about their cake.  Neither one of them wanted anything to do with it so everyone else got to eat a lot of delicious cake.  Overall, it was a fun party and it is still hard to believe that both of them are one year old.

 Camille's pretty table

 The birthday girls

 Happy girl

 Not so sure about the cake

 Garrett and Gaitley are trying to show them how delicious the cake is.

 Opening presents with Mimi and Pop

Gracyn and Pop