On Sunday, September 8th, Garrett fell off his bike and fractured his femur. We were sent by ambulance to Children's Medical Center in Dallas where he was put in a hip spica cast. The first few days in the cast where a challenge. He was in a lot of pain and couldn't get comfortable and if you have a two year old you know how hard it is to get them to take medicine. We went back for a check-up on Tuesday, September 16th and the found out the bone wasn't healing quite right. His femur had to be reset, but for all the pain he now has a bright orange cast. He picked it out himself. As of Tuesday, he just has four more weeks left. Hopefully, it will heal quickly and he'll be ready for Halloween.
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
3 days ago
Hi, our 4-year old broke his leg earlier this year (we live in Houston). I had a regular blog, but after his cast came off, I got the bright idea to save all my posts specifically about his cast, etc. to a blog by itself.
It's set up at http://spicacast.wordpress.com/ . Basically it was just a running journal of what worked for us, what didn't...pictures, videos of his progress, etc.
Good luck - I hope the time passes quickly for you!
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